Accounting Services
Računovodstvene usluge
About us
HISTRIA ACCOUNTING LLC employs six well trained employees with years of experience in the field of accounting. Thanks to our great effort, knowledge and experience, a large number of clients from Croatia as well as from different European countries choose us. We work with various client profiles – entrepreneurs (limited liability companies, simple limited liability companies), craftsmen, advocates, associations and non-resident owners of rental property from all parts of Istria. We pay special attention to startup entrepreneurs in order for them to adapt to the world of business and the market as smoothly as possible. Our employees attend seminars from the field of accounting regularly and monitor legislative changes daily, which our clients are informed about. In our work we use one of the most modern computer programs available on the market and try to provide reliable and quality services by using sophisticated programming solutions. Our business approach is based on providing quality and timely bookkeeping services. Besides complete bookkeeping entries, we also make payments for our clients and create statutory tax and financial statements, as well as other statements and reports when necessary and in agreement with our clients.
Our services
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Our advantages
One of the biggest advantages of our employees is excellent communication with our clients. We are available by phone, e-mail or in person in our office at any time during our working hours. Since we work with clients from different European countries, we communicate in English, German and Italian. As our main goal is customer satisfaction, we continuously monitor changes in technology and strive to maximize benefits offered by technological innovations. Hence, we try to use different Croatian institutions online systems as much as possible, which help us to raise the level of quality and rational use of time. Registration and deregistration of employees is done through the system ˝e-mirovinsko˝ (e-Pension); filing tax statements and returns is done through the system ˝e-porezna˝ (e-Tax); filing customs reports is done through the system ˝e-carina˝ (e-Customs); filing statistical reports is done through the Financial Agency system. We also actively use the possibility of digital signing by using our clients’ digital certificates. With the purpose of saving our clients’ time, we provide service of making payments by using online banking service of different banks. Our approach towards clients is primarily individual. One of our employees is assigned to each one of our clients. This accountant is at their disposal, pays special attention to them and aims to achieve the best possible cooperation to our mutual satisfaction. We would like to highlight our long-term experience in accounting and our enviable level of knowledge as our most essential advantages. The knowledge of our employees is our priority, which is why we monitor legal regulations and changes as well as professional literature on a daily basis. We attend professional accounting seminars regularly and are in constant touch with our colleagues from the accounting profession, advocates, auditors, reputable tax and business consultants.
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom možemo potvrditi da je poduzeće HISTRIA ACCOUNTING pouzdan i kompetentan partner u svim našim poslovnim projektima.
Uz stručno znanje djelatnika društva HISTRIA ACCOUNTING svakodnevne poslovne prepreke rješavaju se na najbolji i najbrži mogući način.
Siguran, pouzdan i uvijek dostupan poslovni partner!
Uz knjigovodstvo HISTRIA ACCOUTING dobili smo siguran i kompetentan poslovni oslonac.
Kornelije Pranjić, voditelj ugostiteljskog objekta „Papillon cocktail & lounge bar“
Do knjigovodstva HISTRIA ACCOUNTING došli smo preporukom te ih sa zadovoljstvom možemo preporučiti dalje.
Dosadašnjom suradnjom jasno nam je da se na knjigovodstvo HISTRIA ACCOUTING možemo u svakom trenutku osloniti u vezi sa svim problemima koji mogu pratiti jednog poduzetnika.
Igor Beaković, direktor poduzeća ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT d.o.o.
Wir haben mit HISTRIA ACCOUNTING d.o.o. und Davor Lacak den Steuerberater gefunden, der uns in allen steuerlichen Belangen rund um unser Ferienhaus in Istrien kompetent und umfassend berät und unterstützt.
Die Abläufe der Buchhaltung funktionieren reibungslos und zügig, Fragen werden umgehend beantwortet und Herr Lacak nimmt sich Zeit für persönliche Beratungsgespräche. Seine sehr guten Deutsch-Kenntnisse machen die Zusammenarbeit einfach. Wir können HISTRIA ACCOUNTING d.o.o. vorbehaltlos empfehlen.
Heike Eiber, eiber d.o.o.
„Wir besitzen ein zur Vermietung stehendes Ferienhaus in Istrien. Histria Accounting wickelt für uns die Steuer- und Mehrwertsteuerabrechnungen ab. Wir haben bisher beste Erfahrungen gemacht. Die kompetente Beratung in deutscher Sprache, die schnelle, rasche und einfache Erledigung, die Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft haben uns überzeugt. Gern empfehlen wir Histria Accounting weiter.
I. u. W. E. - Deutschland“
An accountant agency with a difference
We have been using the services of the Histria Accounting for just over 6 months and the difference in the quality of service they provide comparing to other similar company in the area is outstanding.
Nothing is a problem and if problems do occur they take the same attitude as in the old good English saying “difficult but not impossible”. The manager Mr. Davor and his team offer indeed an excellent service and we consider ourselves very fortunate to have found them.
Pino Thomas, Director, Golf Adria
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Partizanska 6A, 52440 Poreč
+385 95 818 6983